three children w/ the computer and robotic cars

LEGO Robotics Workshop

If your camper loves building with LEGO blocks then LEGO Robotics is the perfect opportunity to take their passion to a new level! Campers will begin working with the LEGO Mindstorms base kit to master the programming of basic movements and then progress to more difficult challenges. They will learn mechanical design, construction, programming, and teamwork skills through the LEGO Engineering curriculum. Working in small teams, campers will create a robot using LEGO blocks, motors, and a multitude of sensors, including light, touch, and sound. They’ll have an awesome time building robots that can navigate mazes, shoot ping-pong balls, and so much more!

LEGO Robotics Highlights

  • Use of LEGO Mindstorms EV3
  • STEM-based workshop
  • Workshop Block B for Intermediates and Seniors