You will receive a car placard on your first day of carpool drop-off or pick-up. To help identify your camper, you will write your camper(s) name(s) and their specific cabin(s). If you have multiple drivers, please let us know so we can provide you with additional placards.
Our staff is trained and certified in child car seats, so we will assist your campers in and out of your cars. To help expedite the carpool process, please stay in your car during the carpool process. If you need to help your camper transition to camp, we ask that you park.
For your convenience, you have the option of downloading the placard file here:

- The incoming lane will be directed to go right
Go through the Middle School Circle
Enter the Athletic Center parking lot on your right
Drive to the end of the lot and turn left back onto our campus street
Stop in front of the Athletic Center building
- Continue straight and go through the Middle School Circle
- Stop at the stop sign
- Turn right and continue straight to the drop-off/pick-up line
We will have our staff spread out throughout this queue line to help direct cars
Please follow these guidelines to ensure a quick and safe process. With your help, we can everything go as smoothly and timely as possible.
We understand how much your time matters, but please remember to not honk, cut into the next lane, or be disrespectful to our staff or other drivers.
Morning Drop Off
(Drop off begins at 8:30am and ends at 9:00am)
Morning drop off is located at the Lower School parking lot. Please follow the directions above, as well as the instructions of the staff when you drop off campers in the morning.
Afternoon Pick Up
(Pick up begins at 3:30pm and ends at 4:00pm)
Afternoon pick up is located at the Lower School parking lot. A second lane of cars will form as you get closer to the Lower School carpool area, so please follow the directions above, as well as the instructions of the staff when picking up campers at the end of the day.
During afternoon pick up, a staff member will call out your camper’s name and cabin, using the car placard you complete and place on your dashboard. Once all camper’s names are called in the round, a staff member will walk your camper to your car and help them get safely buckled in their seat. After all campers and staff are out of the carpool area, the carpool line will move, one lane at a time.
If you need to pick your child up early, please contact the office no later than noon of that day. When you arrive, park in a designated parking space and walk in and sign your camper out in the Camp Office. Summer at Sandy Spring makes full use of our 140 acres, so it is important that you notify us in advance so that we can have your camper ready and waiting for you. So as not to interfere with afternoon carpool, early pick-ups must be completed by 2:30 pm.