Photo of teens in class

Volunteer Friends

14 Years Old and Up

Now that your camper has made their way all the way through our camp (what we refer to as a lifer in the biz) it is time to Volunteer. Volunteers are placed in a cabin each week, where they will learn from some of our savvy veteran staff members. Each volunteer can sign up for as many weeks as they would like, from one week to eight weeks. Each full week your child volunteers earns them 40 Student Service Learning hours! Please note that all volunteers must fill out our online application on their own (not the parent), have an interview with one of the SaSS administrative staff members, and get fingerprinted/background checked.

*Summer at Sandy Spring is SSL approved by Montgomery County Public Schools, but please check with your child’s individual school before camp begins to ensure SSL hours will be accepted.

Quick Facts

  • Age Range: Must be at least 14 before volunteering
  • Availability: Pick as many or as few as you like!
  • (June 23rd – August 8th)
  • Schedule: Full Day (8:15 am – 4:15 pm)
  • Price: Free!

Volunteer Highlights

  • SSL opportunity
  • Leadership Skills
  • Possible Future SaSS Employee
  • Chef-Prepared Lunch

Summer at Sandy Spring

Click on the button for the staff member or volunteer online application.