
Arts Enrichment SEL

A vital tool to develop those necessary “soft skills,”
vital in social and emotional learning (SEL).

It’s easy to look at an outdoor, play-based summer camp such as Summer at Sandy Springs as focused primarily on physical activities. It’s true, there’s a lot of that; with the Adventure Park and so many outdoor settings available, it’s definitely a focus of ours. However, there is another side to enrichment for us that emphasizes the use of the arts. Arts education is a vital tool to develop those necessary “soft skills” and serves as a vital component in social and emotional learning (SEL).

Exposure to the arts has been demonstrated time and again in research as a key tool in child development. Children who receive arts education and participate in the arts have the potential to develop their skills and engage in the creative side of the human experience. Arts education research has generally indicated that children learn intrapersonal skills (self-management and discipline), interpersonal skills (social and relationship skills), and self-expression and identity through arts education.

The big driver behind implementing arts education is that it provides many different ways that learners can both access and develop social and emotional expertise in areas such as empathy, self-awareness, and perseverance. Take theater, for example, where children have the opportunity to learn new roles, materials, concepts, and even exposure to different cultures, all while under the guidance of an experienced role model. Not only do children and teens get the chance to experiment with new ideas, they get the opportunity to choose their interpretation, how they want to participate (will they choose an acting role or be a theater tech?), what materials they will use, and how they will approach a scene.

Practice is also key to improving emotional self-regulation, increasing responsibility and encouraging collaboration with others, and developing confidence in the ability to express oneself through a complex medium. Arts education like what is offered at SaSS offers the opportunity for children to contribute to something that’s greater than just themselves and even allows them to develop and express opinions on social or political issues.

Current research across disciplines ranging from cognitive and developmental theory, social psychology, neurobiology, epigenetics, and even sociology and economics, all indicate that social-emotional learning is a key component of a human’s ability to thrive in the future. Furthermore, it is a solid foundation of successful learning and development. By utilizing arts education in courses such as dance, PomPoms, theater, visual arts such as painting and paper mache/claymation, and even video production or sewing, SaSSers are building a firm bedrock of SEL to enhance their growth long after they leave camp.

This series has focused on “Because We Love Our Kids”, and creating change and development that helps our children succeed is the firm bedrock of the SaSS experience. Arts exposure and education are being emphasized more and more by employers and administrators of higher education to foster what they call “21st century” or “college- and career-ready” skills. These skills, such as collaboration, the ability to persevere, and critical thinking, are all cultivated through SEL education and enrichment. When you send your child or adolescent to SaSS, you’re giving them the opportunity for growth, yes, but also the emotional maturity and bandwidth to succeed in their futures. We can’t wait to see how they express themselves!

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